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#1 2025-02-02 15:01:10

Registered: 2023-03-20
Posts: 6

Holding tank for V30

On Boston Belle our Jabsco heads is simple and effective, but does not include a black water holding tank. There is no sign that a holding tank has ever been fitted, so if we need to fit one what is the best arrangement?
What size. 40 or 60l?
Is it possible to fit a gravity system?
If not what?
Bladders under the forward end of the starboard saloon bunk have been mentioned on various Victoria yachts, but:-
How long do they last?
How are they filled, and more importantly how are they emptied?


#2 2025-02-10 14:28:33

Registered: 2022-12-03
Posts: 15

Re: Holding tank for V30

Hi Chris - am sure others know better, but thought to share my holding tank experience in answer to your query...

A previous boat (Dufour 28) was fitted with a flexible bladder tank, approx 30-40 litres. I believe the bag had been installed for more than 10 years when i bought the boat - and we used it for a further 3 years without issue. The bag was connected to a bilge type pump to empty.

On a later boat (Nantucket Island 33) i fitted a custom stainless steel tank - approx 60 litres. To empty this relied on a gravity dump system which worked fine on the whole - but occasionally would not empty easily. (A plunger on the outside of the boat would usually sort - and yes we were sailing in warm waters - so not an ideal solution for UK) A major oversight in the tank design was the lack of an inspection/cleaning hatch - if making again i would be sure to include one in the design.

The current boat is a V30 without any holding tank which seems absolutely right for UK south coast sailing in murky tidal waters. I am planning voyage to warmer climate with quiet bays and clear water - so have planned to install holding tank at a later date. My thinking on viable solution is to hang the flexible bag type system in the locker behind the heads as there is plenty room for it - and to install a bilge type pump to empty and not rely on gravity. The ~40 litre volume would essentially be only a day tank - and have no plans to catch grey water from shower/galley also as too complicated to plumb. This is my planned solution - and i have not found a bag supplier yet.

Understood the above falls short of being a definitive answer on retrofitting holding tank to V30 - but hope some useful personal experience shared. Will be interested to know outcome of your planning - and especially if any UK flexible bag supplier identified.

Best wishes
V30 - Quixote


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