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#1 2023-07-20 22:45:47
- Andrew_Gleadle
- Member
- Registered: 2014-09-23
- Posts: 56
Frances 26 – leaking depth transducer
I’ve recently launched Panache after she has been on the hard for just over 6 months. On launching I noticed a few drips from the depth transducer and have been monitoring it over the last week and it’s reduced to less than a drip a day.
I’m uncertain if the leak is because the wood additions on the hull, enabling the transducer to be mounted vertically, have dried out due to the extended period on the hard or if the seal has lost adhesion and is leaking.
The attached photos show damp patches on the transducer wood support on the inside of the hull and a past photo of the wood on the outside of the hull (always painted in antifoul).
I would be interested in other members thoughts on the leak.
Also, can anyone advise on how the wood on the outside of the hull is mounted e.g is it glued to the hull with epoxy? The one on the inside of the hull appear to have an area of Sikaflex or similar bonding it to the insider of the hull.
I’m tempted to take all the wood off and replace it with either Thru Hull Transducer with 20 Degree Tilt allowance or a fluid filled in hull transducer and fill the hole in the hull.
Many thanks for your thoughts and feedback.
#2 2023-07-21 12:00:27
- Simon_Dewing
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- From: Torquay / Texas
- Registered: 2022-08-04
- Posts: 63
Re: Frances 26 – leaking depth transducer
Shaped teak blocks were fitted to Sabbatical (V30) with what appeared to be Sikaflex or a similar bonding sealant and were stuck pretty firmly but had to be removed to treat osmosis.
Likely your Francis is similar.
Our solution is detailed in the photo's below, but as yours is leaking its possible the sealant has failed and you can remove them with a sharp chisel without damage.
Worst case you will need to make new blocks.
The remains of the block can just be seen in this photo together with its replacement cut from glassfibre sheet and turned on the lathe.
This was shaped and epoxied to the stripped and epoxied hull prior to fairing
A similar block was epoxied inside the hull in the locker.
and the bronze through hull sealed with removeable Sikaflex
Maybe a belt and braces solution and significant effort but I no longer have to worry about failure (other than sensor O rings)
#3 2023-07-25 18:35:09
- Jonathan_Hopper
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- Registered: 2004-03-23
- Posts: 161
Re: Frances 26 – leaking depth transducer
I agree with Simon - the block comes off easily and mine looked as though it is fixed with sealant. I just rotated it and it drew the skin fitting out as will. When re-fitting, put at twice as much sealant both on the block and the skin fitting as you think it will need! The seal is really between the transducer skin fitting and the hull, but it does no harm to keep water out of any of it. Personally, I would keep the fairing block and just re-bed with Sikaflex.
#4 2023-08-01 22:23:58
- Andrew_Gleadle
- Member
- Registered: 2014-09-23
- Posts: 56
Re: Frances 26 – leaking depth transducer
Hi Simon and Jonathan
Thank you for your experiences and advice. I was expecting it to be fitted to the hull with epoxy rather than sealant. At the moment it's all water tight so it's looking like a job for this winter. I'll give some thought over the rest of the year to the solution.
Many thanks
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