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#1 2022-10-08 11:26:12

Registered: 2017-10-12
Posts: 6

Frances 26 advice please on worn rudder gudgeons

My 1990 Frances 26, 'Tambourine', has developed considerable wear in the bottom two gudgeons allowing the pintles to move around.
The pintles are stainless steel but the gudgeons attached to the hull appear to be some other metal.
What are the gudgeons made of please and what is the best way to deal with this problem. Replacing the gudgeons looks like a major task so any ideas for a simpler solution would be very much appreciated.


#2 2022-10-08 18:13:09

Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 161

Re: Frances 26 advice please on worn rudder gudgeons

The gudgeon may well be bushed with bronze.   Unless the hole is too big they can be reamed and re-bushed, but if too big then a new gudgeon made up.    Should be straightforward to remove them and take them to a fabricator to deal with.

I think the Victoria 800 gudgeons had delrin (or similar) bushes.   No idea if these are beneficial.


#3 2022-10-15 12:03:15

Committee Member
Registered: 1991-05-29
Posts: 2

Re: Frances 26 advice please on worn rudder gudgeons

First of all, please DO NOT REMOVE the gudgeon's it may be virtually impossible to refix them.

Gudgeon's are bronze and easily drilled.  I have replaced my bottom gudgeon on my Frances 26, purchased in 1982, with a brass bush which was a spare from an old auto helm socket.

Please give me a call on 01284-729565 or 0780-141-7680, when I would be happy to discuss the issue with you.


#4 2022-10-15 14:59:58

Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 161

Re: Frances 26 advice please on worn rudder gudgeons

John_Sadler wrote:

First of all, please DO NOT REMOVE the gudgeon's it may be virtually impossible to refix them.

Gudgeon's are bronze and easily drilled.  I have replaced my bottom gudgeon on my Frances 26, purchased in 1982, with a brass bush which was a spare from an old auto helm socket.

John - you have tested my memory on this one.

I agree - if you have the original bottom fitting, undisturbed, and is bronze, then best bush it in place.

Francesca's bottom gudgeon got chewed and worn many years ago - so I assume, like yours, it was bronze when I first had it repaired - but it was too far gone so the yard had a stainless one made up (as far as I remember).  That was 20+ years ago.   However, this was repeated in 2012 (Jester Challenge took it's toll on a then slightly worn hole).   Being stainless, with stainless bolts I have drawn them to check for integrity, and method of fixing due to the possible difficulty in engaging the nut.   It looks as though the yard replaced the original bolts with bigger ones, and tapped a thread in the deadwood.   Because of the surprising depth of the lay at this point I have been content with this arrangement, though well aware that if the threads wear I may have to change the bracket to one similar to the 800  ie bolted athwart the keel rather than up through the deadwood.   However, so long as the gap between the keel and the rudder at the base is bridged (so that lines from pots don't dry and rip off the rudder) the fore and aft loads should be relatively insignificant.   There is probably an alternative engineering solution (such as interscrews or thread inserts epoxied in) that could be used.   Wish I had the original fitting repaired sooner - though I have had no complications far.

Presumably the original fitting was attached with bronze bolts? - I wonder how many years they can be left without inspection.   They are probably fine, though I do like to look at things like that every so often.   I do wonder how hard it would be to re-engage the nuts after drawing - I don't see why they should move, so long as the same thread is put back up it.


#5 2022-10-16 03:32:33

From: Langkawi, Malaysia
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 110

Re: Frances 26 advice please on worn rudder gudgeons

On Inyoni, my 1987 Victoria Frances 26, the mid and lower rudder gudgeons were badly worn. My solution was to make Vesconite bushings. Vesconite is a type of nylon which does not absorb water, and is very resistant to wear. It is used as bearing material on large ship’s propeller shafts. It is a bit expensive, but in the quality needed for these bushings, that is not an issue.


#6 2022-10-16 18:26:28

Registered: 2017-10-12
Posts: 6

Re: Frances 26 advice please on worn rudder gudgeons

Many thanks, everyone, for your excellent advice and details of your own experience of worn gudgeons. Mine are definitely bronze and I have had some good fortune with the bottom gudgeon, the problematical one! On 'Tambourine' this is in two parts, an inner plate which is bolted through the hull and an outer part which is easily removed from captive bolts and contains the drilled hole which is being reamed and fitted with a bronze bush.
Many thanks, Colin


#7 2023-01-16 18:27:39

From: Den Helder, Netherlands
Registered: 2019-03-04
Posts: 31

Re: Frances 26 advice please on worn rudder gudgeons

See my article posted on 2019-12-30 08:58:41 replacing rudder bearing bushes.


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