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#1 2019-03-31 00:32:32
- David_Pereira
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- Registered: 2016-07-12
- Posts: 27
Sling positions for V800 /Frances
I'm trying to work out where the hoist slings should be positioned for lift out of my V800
I would be grateful for guidance.
#2 2019-03-31 16:14:23
- Jonathan_Hopper
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- Registered: 2004-03-23
- Posts: 161
Re: Sling positions for V800 /Frances
In front of the rudder for the stern strap - perhaps between the winch and the companionway to feel secure when coming out. Near the mast for the forward one. Sometimes my yard uses a line to tie the strops together so there is no way the forward one can slip out.
Last edited by Jonathan_Hopper (2019-03-31 18:26:15)
#3 2019-04-07 22:42:26
- David_Pereira
- Resigned
- Registered: 2016-07-12
- Posts: 27
Re: Sling positions for V800 /Frances
Thanks Johnathan.
I used similar positions last lift out but the hoist operator lifted her slightly bows down to prevent the forward sling slipping and this allowed the aft sling to slip almost to the end. Then.... we lashed the slings to each other!
#4 2022-04-24 09:32:32
- Ian_Abbott
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- Registered: 2021-12-17
- Posts: 16
Re: Sling positions for V800 /Frances
Does anyone know is this the same for a Victoria 30?
Having lifted out I can report that it is the same for the Victoria 30. Ropes around the slings a definite must for lifting out. Sling positions are basically at the front and back of the coachroof.
Last edited by Ian_Abbott (2022-05-16 19:09:38)
#5 2022-06-09 18:55:35
- Leon_Ferguson
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- Registered: 2004-03-18
- Posts: 58
Re: Sling positions for V800 /Frances
I gave up lifting at my sailing club, we hire a crane for the day. Shortening the front strop only works so far, essential because of the cut away on the keel, so she always got put slightly nose down, which means the cockpit doesn't drain so well over the winter. I may try again this year. Am considering jacking up the front of the cradle base a little, with a sleeper under the front, so the entire boat is tilted backwards.
Alternatively I could put her down slightly bows down then use an acrow to jack her up a bit ?
Pages: 1