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#1 2023-01-23 14:01:40

From: Torquay / Texas
Registered: 2022-08-04
Posts: 63

Questions asked on Facebook pages, (Porthole and interior wood)

Personal rant and plea to others:-

I see quite a number of posts on both the Victoria Frances facebook page and on the Chuck Paine fans facebook page asking questions about constructional details on the boats.

Facebook is great for quick messages and pictures but its hard to search for answers to technical questions which may have been asked before or others may ask in the future. This forum is somewhat easier to search for specific topics and provided me with much useful information during the restoration of Sabbatical.

Any chance those asking questions on facebook could post the questions and answers (with key words in the subject line) here so they are available for others trying to follow their footsteps?

Recent examples both of which were questions I had in the past spent several hours answering with google's help:-

Someone asked on the Chuck Paine site who may have manufactured the rectangular portholes for his Vic34; based on the pictures they appear similar to those used on my Vic30 which were manufactured by Timage in the UK and are still available via their web site and they are able to supply new seals. … thole.html

Another, asked this morning about the wood strips used for interiors, which I believe are Ramin widely available in the 70's and 80's and easy to work but sadly due to over exploitation no longer available.

Ok rant over but at least the answers will be here for future owners!

Simon smile


#2 2023-01-23 18:36:36

Committee Member
Registered: 2017-08-10
Posts: 162

Re: Questions asked on Facebook pages, (Porthole and interior wood)

Hi Simon,

Thanks for this note and I agree with your sentiment.

Please note that not everyone accesses the VSA web site, but sign-posting is included within the details of the 'Victoria and Frances Facebook Group' Facebook group information.

Keep the content flowing.  smile

Victoria 34 Cutter - 'Anitra'


#3 2023-01-23 19:58:20

From: Torquay / Texas
Registered: 2022-08-04
Posts: 63

Re: Questions asked on Facebook pages, (Porthole and interior wood)

Thanks Charles, I am not a Fakebook fan as you probably gathered; although I do look at both boards from time to time to see if anything interesting has been posted.

My wife is the family's facebook user, I don't have access to her account.

I did ask if she wanted to post my responses to those questions, she said "maybe later" so unlikely it will ever happen!.

If you want to pass on my answers to those posters, preferably with a link to this site it might benefit all.

Many Thanks



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