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#1 2022-09-15 16:08:33
- Ian_Abbott
- Member
- Registered: 2021-12-17
- Posts: 16
Standing rigging tension V30
Does anyone have recommended values for the standing rigging tension on a V30. My Backstay Forestay and cap shrouds are 7mm my inner shrouds 6mm.
#2 2022-10-17 14:30:17
- Colin_Reid
- Member
- From: Gloucestershire
- Registered: 2003-11-02
- Posts: 37
Re: Standing rigging tension V30
Not very scientific, but I read that the standing rigging should be as tight as you can get it with a hand tool, and that is is impossible to over tighten by hand. Not using a long lever of course, just a screwdriver or similar. That's what I do when tuning the rigging. I think its in a slim book I have on rig tuning, I could try to dig it out if you want. The danger is from rigging that is too slack as it allows snatch loads.
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