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#1 2022-06-21 01:42:33

From: Langkawi, Malaysia
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 110

3 bladed propeller pitch, Beta 16 in a Frances 26.

Hi All,
I am looking for some guidance regarding the pitch of a 3 bladed festering propeller with a Beta 16 on my Frances 26, Inyoni.

I have a 330mm Max Prop Easy, with 20 degrees of pitch installed. With this set up I can only reach 2500 rpm at WOT. I know that many of the UK boats have the Darglo installed, and was wondering what pitch you have for forward and reverse.

I am planning to reduce the pitch from 20 to 14 degrees for forward, and to 12 degrees for astern. This involves a dive into rather murky, and polluted water, and I really do not want to have to do it more than once!


#2 2022-06-21 18:57:48

Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 161

Re: 3 bladed propeller pitch, Beta 16 in a Frances 26.

My Darglow is a Featherstream so maybe not directly comparable.   Darglow I have found to be pretty helpful.   I would think that you would be looking along the lines of a 13" x 9"as a starting point, but difficult to say as the hub takes up a bit more diameter than a fixed.   330mm looks good - but not sure what those angles equate to in terms of pitch.

I think my pitch is same for forward and reverse, but can see a little reduction may not be bad thing.


#3 2022-06-21 23:27:28

From: Langkawi, Malaysia
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 110

Re: 3 bladed propeller pitch, Beta 16 in a Frances 26.

Hi, and thanks Jonathan,
Darglow have recommended 13”x 8”.  My problem is that MaxProp work in degrees! Their instructions are clear, but there is no correlation between pitch in degrees, and inches (or millimeters).
The pitch changing procedure involves using a small Allen key to remove a locking screw, then adjusting the pitch,  and replacing the locking screw. Very easy to do on the hard, but rather problematic to do under water here, given the conditions. If anything was accidentally dropped, it could never be found. The safe option would be a haul out, but that is expensive, and may have to be repeated if one does not get it right first time.

Another question, what RPM do you get at full throttle in calm conditions?

As an aside, my decision to buy the MaxProp Easy, rather than the Darglow Featherstream, was based on cost and shipping, plus a strong recommendation from a friend who has one. In hindsight, the fact that Darglow have so much experience with the Beta/Frances 26 installations could have altered my choice.


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