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#1 2022-01-02 21:34:07

Registered: 2021-12-17
Posts: 16

Hull dimensions for Cradles: Victoria 30

I need to source a cradle for "Ibis" my Victoria 30. 

Jacobs cradle manufacturers have asked what the Keel thickness (across the beam) at the bottom of the keel is.  Does anyone know what this dimension is?
I also noticed in a previous Q+A a problem with a boat being bow down on the hard. Does anyone have the dimensions of the keel "rake" (if that's the right word).
Ultimately a design drawing would answer all such questions.  Does one exist that can be shared or purchased?

Or alternatively, if anyone has a cradle that they would like to sell I'm interested.


#2 2022-01-02 21:36:47

Registered: 2021-12-17
Posts: 16

Re: Hull dimensions for Cradles: Victoria 30



#3 2022-01-03 14:14:00

Committee Member
Registered: 2011-06-09
Posts: 29

Re: Hull dimensions for Cradles: Victoria 30

Hi Ian,

I can't answer your first question as I don't have that info and my boat is still in the water.  Regarding your second point the Victoria 30s do end up being bows down when dried out against a wall.  The first time this happens it is rather disconcerting but it is nothing to worry about as the boat will settle nicely.  Don't be tempted to try to stop it using mooring lines as this will probably only result in damage to cleats, etc.  You can limit the bows down angle (probably only slightly) by moving heavy weights eg the anchor and chain aft before she grounds but once she has settled you can move around on deck or below safely without any further movement of the boat.  When a V30 is put into a cradle ashore she can be levelled up easily using wooden blocks at the appropriate point under the keel as she is lowered into the cradle.

I hope this helps.

Vic 30 - Wynn


#4 2022-06-20 20:31:49

Registered: 2022-05-03
Posts: 5

Re: Hull dimensions for Cradles: Victoria 30

Hi Ian I have a cradle for sale £150 but it's located at Ardrossan Neal faulkner


#5 2022-06-22 15:04:27

Registered: 2021-12-17
Posts: 16

Re: Hull dimensions for Cradles: Victoria 30

I have now sourced a cradle.  (But thanks Neal for the offer)   For others information the thickness of the keel is about 12" so not a problem at all with a standard cradle gap.  When Ibis was rested in the cradle wood was added forward on the keep to get her level, by eye and that seems to have worked reasonably well.


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