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#1 2021-10-07 22:51:56

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Pushpit arch

I have a solar panel about 50cm square that sits on a small arch about 60cm in width and 30cm high that is bolted onto the top pushpit bar.  However it creates a hazard as the edges of the panel protrude into the stern seating connecting far too frequently with my head!  I want to fit a higher arch that will also take my GPS and AIS aerial.  It does not need to take radar so I am just looking to bolt something to the top of the pushpit.  Can anyone recommend a source to purchase or recommend a diy solution?

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#2 2021-10-08 18:12:16

Registered: 2020-07-27
Posts: 12

Re: Pushpit arch

I have the same problem so will be interested in any helpful replies you get. My 10w panel is bolted to the top of the pushpit. It’s to low to use if I ventured far offshore.


#3 2021-10-15 17:41:06

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Pushpit arch

I have come up with a possible design for my extended arch.  Comments welcome.  I have a fabricator in Weymouth who has done some other work for me so barring comments I will go and see him for costs etc.  Raised-Pushpit.pdf

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#4 2022-05-30 18:38:37

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Pushpit arch

Having got a rather frightening estimate I have gone for the KISS approach.  One pound bought me a length of grey pipe insulation from a DIY store.  Bent around the cockpit end of the solar panel it has not even needed a dab of glue despite 30 Knot gusts in Weymouth the other week.  1653932297_dulcibella_march_2022.jpg

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#5 2022-06-09 18:50:24

Registered: 2004-03-18
Posts: 58

Re: Pushpit arch

Hi Murray.  Noticed that you have a stack pack main on your boat.  Did you use existing lazyjacks ?  Were they high enough where they emerge from the mast ?  And has it affected the main sail setting ?  Also, who supplied it please ?   I am going down to see Tecsew re a new sprayhood, they made the original and still have the pattern, and am considering a stackpack.  Thanks.


#6 2022-06-12 16:43:13

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Pushpit arch

Hello Leon, the stackpac was on the boat when I bought her and was put on with a new Kemp mainsail so not sure but possibly also Kemp?  I have added small blocks, in lieu of rope eyes, which reduce friction sufficiently to allow enough self adjustment as the boom moves without me having to intervene.  They enter the mast just below the Staysail fittings, so quite high and exit above the main and foresail cleats and winches on the mast onto separate cleats either side of the mast.  Negligible interference with mainsail due to the 'self adjustment' afforded by the small blocks.  I will try and find a photo.....found it. 1655049036_dulcibella-002.jpg.  You can just see the block with the sheave above about a Metre(?) below the staysail fittings.

I looked to change my sprayhood but could not justify the cost; I just had some repairs made.  Incidentally whilst doing this I also wanted to raise the sprayhood head clearance to make it easier to go below.  On my V800 I reckon I could add a further 10cm in the mid part even with the boom tightened right down.  Doesn't sound much but would make quite a difference to my head!  Incidentally I would be interested in their estimate if you are happy to share.

Last edited by Murray_Fraser (2022-06-12 16:55:42)

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#7 2022-06-13 17:04:52

Registered: 2020-07-27
Posts: 12

Re: Pushpit arch

Hi Leon.  If it’s any help I got a mainmate from Jeckells in 2020 for my V800. The cost was £388.20 including postage. I think they are all very similar in design etc. I have my lines fairly slack so it doesn’t really impact on the shape of the mainsail but if it did I would just ease the lines while reaching. Hope this helps.


#8 2022-06-19 16:20:43

Registered: 2004-03-18
Posts: 58

Re: Pushpit arch

Murray,Ken, thanks for your replies.   I took the original Tecsew sprayhood from '96, which is in tatters having been reinforced on the grabrail over the years then just wore through elsewhere, I'd been doing without one. Much to their amusement, but also pleased to see it had almost survived 26 years, I left it with them to match against the original templates. My lazyjacks exit the mast on small rollers much the same as yours, entering just above the boom, so I reckon a new set with some adjustment will work fine.  I tried to upload a jpeg, but it will only accept a pdf.  I can email some pics if you're interested.  I'll ask Tecsew if it's OK to share the quote in public, if not I'll add it to an email.  I'd had a quote from them in 2014 but decided I couldn't justify the cost, and it has almost doubled in 8  years!  I've bought cheaper sail covers but they prove a false economy in the long run.  I toyed with the idea of selling Thalia a while ago, but have decided to keep her and lavish some love and money on her instead. smile  smile


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