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#1 2020-10-13 08:44:26
- Admin
- Kraken
- From: Dublin Bay
- Registered: 2011-02-24
- Posts: 333
Adding images to forum posts
It is possible to add photos to a forum post without having to send them to first.
When composing a post or a reply, you should see a bunch of icons (letters, smilies etc). One of them is the button for adding a photo.
If you click that button, you'll get a popup window (your browser may ask you to permit it).
Click the Browse button to look on your computer for an image.
Then click the Upload File button to actually upload it. The URL field will change to show the newly uploaded file path on the forum server.
Finally, click the OK button to have the image embedded in your forum post. It will be wrapped in an img tag.
Photo sizes
Generally, a picture that is 1200 pixels on the long edge (with the short edge resized to suit) will be sufficiently large for posting on the forum. Windows, Mac, and Linux all have image editing tools that have resize options - be sure when resizing to maintain the aspect ratio; this is normally a tickbox type option in the image viewer/editor.
This won't allow video uploads; for that you'll still need to email, or perhaps post the video to YouTube as an Unlisted video, and then put the link to the video in your post.
#2 2020-10-31 19:16:56
- Admin
- Kraken
- From: Dublin Bay
- Registered: 2011-02-24
- Posts: 333
Re: Adding images to forum posts
I'll also add that I just found the configuration for this plugin, and if you want to add an embedded video from YouTube, there is now an icon on the top row to the left of the smiling yellow face. Click that, provide a YouTube URL, and it should embed in the post.
As an example, here's a video from Helgoland in 2017.
Pages: 1