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#1 2024-01-26 22:28:03
- Andrew_Gleadle
- Member
- Registered: 2014-09-23
- Posts: 56
Frances 26 House battery location
Hi All
I would like to increase the house battery capacity on my Frances 26, Panache, and would be interested to know what batteries other Frances 26 owners have and where they are fitted.
My house battery is currently fitted in the battery tray in front of the engine and is a Leoch LAGM-130 - 12V, 130AH (engine battery is fitted in the locker behind the heads). In my case, the length of the house battery is restricted by a heater outlet vent and battery switches, therefore to increase the battery capacity I am considering fitting a second battery in an alternative location.
Many thanks you’re your responses.
#2 2024-01-31 12:29:41
- Simon_Dewing
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- From: Torquay / Texas
- Registered: 2022-08-04
- Posts: 63
Re: Frances 26 House battery location
Mithril has been sailed, since she was built with a combined engine and house battery situated in the locker below the fwd end of the quarter berth. My surveyor and hence insurance company were unhappy with this.
We sailed her last year with a start pack as a backup and current project is to add a pair of house batteries in this location and move the existing battery below the companion way step (which seems to be where yard built boats placed it) then use for engine start only.
We used a DC to DC charger from the engine battery t charge the house bank.
We chose to use a pair of lithium batteries as they are lighter and have higher capacity.
My son ordered them, but I think they are eco-worthy lithium iron phosphate 100a each (available via Amazon).
All are fully sealed so require no venting, they also have internal charge protection so there should be no danger of thermal runaway.
Hope that helps
#3 2024-02-08 20:08:19
- Andrew_Gleadle
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- Registered: 2014-09-23
- Posts: 56
Re: Frances 26 House battery location
Hi Simon
Thank you for your response.
One option I have been considering is putting a second house battery (sealed AGM) in the same locker you have used. I haven't ruled out going the lithium route but it would need a few changes to my current step.
#4 2024-02-09 15:59:53
- Jeremy_Ingram
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- Registered: 2022-02-24
- Posts: 19
Re: Frances 26 House battery location
Hi Andy,
Just saw your thread, apologies for the delay. On Pintail we´ve got two 85ah lead acids in the tray just forward of the engine. Theoretically one is house and one engine start but actually we sometimes forget to switch over. We have a good battery monitor .
Last year I spent a lot of time figuring ways to increase capacity but in reality with all led lighting, fairly minimal electronics , and instinctively careful management we´ve found no problem in keeping both with healthy charge. We lived aboard during one ten days cruise last summer. We have about 150 watts of solar panels and the alternator. If you had a start pack as well that would be bulletproof.
The boat lives on a swinging mooring and we´re never in marinas. The only heavy load is the anchor windlass but we always have the engine running to use that and it never depletes much. I´m just saying you may not actually need all that much extra capacity but I would recomend the solar panels.
#5 2024-02-22 17:59:58
- Andrew_Gleadle
- Member
- Registered: 2014-09-23
- Posts: 56
Re: Frances 26 House battery location
Hi Jeremy
Thank you for your response. My existing setup is just on the limit for the 130Amp battery (C20 =117Amp) and this is with a 50watt solar panel. Based on your feedback it would probably be a better direction for me to look at either increasing the solar capacity or adding a wind generator.
Best regards
#6 2024-02-27 17:05:19
- Jonathan_Hopper
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- Registered: 2004-03-23
- Posts: 161
Re: Frances 26 House battery location
Andrew -
Given your restriction in the original battery bay, I wonder if it is worth changing this bank to the engine start battery, and swap the house battery bank to the locker behind the heads. Having a quick measure up, you could get 2 x 80 Ah lengthwise in there, but I wonder actually if you could mount them in the other direction, and get 3 side by side, or maybe 2 LAGM 130's. It looked tight for 3 80's but might be possible, though you might have to do it without a battery box . One of the larger ones may also fit (eg. Exide EP1500 Dual AGM Battery) though I do not know it will either go through the hatch, or at over 50Kg, whether you would want to!
Not sure whether this site, or the quarter berth locker was lower down, or nearer the centreline. Both look below sea level.
Will be interesting to hear what you decide.
#7 2024-02-29 22:36:09
- Murray_Fraser
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- From: Weymouth
- Registered: 2016-11-22
- Posts: 87
Re: Frances 26 House battery location
Andrew, I have a dedicated engine battery. An Odysee Extreme. These are designed specifically as engine start batteries and used for light aircraft and motorbikes as well as boats. They have various marine ones and mine is about a third the size of a standard house battery. I am very impressed with performance on my Beta 14 including one occasion when I ran out of fuel! It easily cranked until it pulled sufficient fuel supply for engine start, perhaps a total of 4/5 minutes.
VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella
#8 2024-03-01 02:07:13
- Simon_Dewing
- Member
- From: Torquay / Texas
- Registered: 2022-08-04
- Posts: 63
Re: Frances 26 House battery location
Mithril had a similar battery as its sole battery.
It has now moved and is just used for engine start.
Great battery though, no issue with starting the Beta 16 even in frosty weather
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